To help you on the way to the certification process, we undertake a review of your current management systems and map those against the standards for certification.
The pre-assessment is valuable to help you if you meet all the certification requirements.
We provide you with a full report on gaps and rectifications that need to be made before commencing the process.
Stage 1 Audit
We undertake a review of your management system documentation to confirm that your systems and documentation meet the requirements of the standards and match your policy and procedures objectives.
Bluedge will then prepare a report outlining any of the areas that you may need to improve and also the strengths that have been identified.
The gaps we highlight are then addressed before we move forward to step 3, the certification audit.
When the gaps have been rectified, the auditor will advise you are ready to go the Certification Audit.
The Certification Audit is undertaken at your business to confirm that you have implemented the management system across the whole organisation.
A cross section sample of the organisation is audited to evaluate how you meet the standards of the requirements.
The audit results are generally available in 10 days of completing the audit
Once passed, you are issued a certificate of registration valid for three years by JAS-ANZ or SAI Global.
Certification Management
Each year we conduct a desk audit to ensure that you are maintaining the required standards.
The desk audits identify any gaps in process and procedures that fall outside of the standards and we provide you with a report of rectifications and recommendations for improvements.
A full audit is completed every three years around the anniversary of your original certification.